Auction ended

Auction Vinyl #4

Lot# 1350

Vinil Records

Dr. Hook – Greatest Hits (And More)

Ástand vinyls: Gott (VG)


Telst vera Íslensk útgáfa, Fálkinn
Liklega ein af þessum plötum sem til voru á flestu heimilum landsmanna.
frá 1987, inniheldur öll bestu lög Dr Hook eins og.
Sylvia's Mother
The Cover Of The Rolling Stone
Only Sixteen
Walk Right In
Sharing The Night Together
When You're In Love With A Beautiful Woman
Better Love Next Time
Sexy Eyes

Selst í ástandi sem er auglýst.

User 8090 2 weeks, 2 days ago € 6
User 8090 2 weeks, 2 days ago € 5
User 8101 2 weeks, 3 days ago € 3
User 8101 3 weeks, 3 days ago € 2
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